Baby Bullet


I have you eat delicious bread and feel that I want to impress you,Using local ingredients,I devise the product which drew ingredients original taste to the maximum every day.I sell a wide article from harder bread to tart and a baked confectionery.Please come to eat.There is the place to eat in a shop and can drink coffee of Sweet and crispy fragrance Vietnam in wajimanuri Cup.Please enjoy a something time.
美味しいパンに出会えた感動を届けたいをモッ卜ーに、地元の食材を取り入れ、食材本来の味を最大限に引き出した商品を日々考案しています。ハ一ド系のパンからタルト、焼菓子まで幅広い種類が揃っています。是非ご賞味ください。イ一トインスペースもあり、甘く艷やかな香リのべ卜ナムコ一ヒーを輪島塗の力ップでお召し上がリいただ けます。ひと味違うひとときをお楽しみください。

Baby Bullet


Tel. 0768-23-1811
Open Mon.-Sat. 8:00am – 5:00pm.
Closed Sun. and Mon.
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